A camp for our young maidens and their mothers.
We are very excited to finally be offering the camp women and girls have asked us about since our journey began, we finally have created a Mother and Daughter Experience!
This will be a three day camp for mothers with daughters between 8 and 12 years old. (Aunties, Grandmothers, Bonus mothers and mothering figures are all welcome to bring your special girl).
It’s a beautiful camp, full of craft, movement, mother daughter connections, and most importantly we will be sharing the seasons of woman so these girls can grow up with a deep understanding of what it is to be a woman in this world.
Jillian and Erin have both raised daughters through the tribulations of the teenage years, and we know that young girls are walking into a very different world to the one we grew up in. A world where media bombards them with unrealistic pressure and expectations. And so we will be bringing the concept of the phases of womanhood to you and your daughter in a way that’s relevant, practical, beautiful, and easy to understand.
The more we can empower our daughters about their natural connection to their bodies, their spirit, their mothers and the earth, the better prepared they they will be to journey not only through the teenage years, but also through the rest of their life.
Let us take you and your daughter on a journey of connection, compassion, and freedom through Craft, Drumming, Singing, Dance, Games, Breath-work, Qi Gong and more. We’ll be feet upon the Earth, Wind in our hair, being warmed by the fire and cleansed by the water, Connecting with nature.

3 days, 2 nights (including dinner) $525 per mother and daughter couple. If you have additional daughters to bring cost is $150.

You will provide your own camping set up, Breakfast and Lunch.